Bloody Civilian is a genre-defying singer and songwriter. Her music is a unique blend of Afrobeats, R&B, and pop, with often personal and introspective lyrics.

“Anger Management” is Bloody Civilian’s first EP, a powerful and honest exploration of the human condition. The EP tackles themes of anger, frustration, and pain, but it also offers hope and healing.


“Escapism” is a song about the desire to escape from the harsh realities of life. Bloody Civilian sings about her struggles, including a failing economy, violence, and a lack of opportunities. She feels trapped and hopeless and turns to smoke and sex to escape her problems.

The lyrics depict a sense of frustration, disillusionment, and dissatisfaction with one’s country and economic situation. The repetition of “Shoulda smoked that shit since morning” suggests a desire to escape or numb reality through drug use. The mention of ancestors watching could imply being observed or judged for one’s actions. The lyrics convey a sense of longing for something better and a belief that the current circumstances are not providing the desired fulfillment.

The song’s overall message is that escapism is not a sustainable solution to life’s problems. However, the song also acknowledges the temptation to escape reality, allowing listeners to explore their hopelessness and despair.

Mad Apology

“Mad Apology” is a powerful and emotional song about the end of a relationship. Bloody Civilian expresses her anger and frustration in the song. She sings that she has no regrets and is ready to leave it all in the past. The repeated line “Mad apology” shows that she is tired of apologies or insincere remorse from her EX.

The repetition of phrases like “You do me like this, that, like fun” and “Do me this, that, fun” conveys a sense of being deceived or mistreated by the other person.

However, the song also has a more emotional side. Bloody Civilian expresses her sadness and loneliness. She sings that she misses the other person and that they wish things could have been different. This shows that she is still struggling to come to terms with the end of the relationship.

 “Mad Apology” is a catchy and well-written emotional song, and Bloody Civilian’s vocals are passionate and raw. The song explores disappointment, betrayal, and Bloody’s refusal to accept insincere apologies. 

Family Meeting

Bloody Civilian sings about a story or a situation where she is involved in a family meeting on the track “Family Meeting.” She feels like the “problem child” and perceives a lack of trust from their family members.

Civilian sings about her aunt, who is present at the meeting, and how she asks her why she does not go to church. She pleads with her mother to listen to her and give her a chance to explain herself. Civilian admits to making a mistake but promises not to repeat it. There is a sense of wanting to leave and escape from the situation, packing their things and running away. She mentions her boyfriend, who would make her feel good through sex after her family meeting.

Bloody Civilian has plans to leave her family and escape the situation. She expresses how much she will miss her family but feels she has no choice but to leave.

The repetition of the phrase “go go go” and the mention of packing one’s belongings suggest a strong desire for change and escape from their current circumstances.

“Family Meeting” is a touching song that conveys the emotional turmoil within a family. Civilian’s vocals and the instrumental accompaniment are well-matched and create a mood that complements the lyrics. 

I Don’t Like You

“I Don’t Like You” is a song that expresses a strong dislike for someone. Bloody Civilian emphasizes her dislike, mentioning that their mother shares the sentiment. 

She acknowledges the potential insults the person may throw at her, but she does not care and cannot relate to the insults. She mentions specific individuals (“Abula” and “James”) and implies a lack of association or interest in them.

The chorus reinforces Bloody Civilian’s firm stance of not liking someone and not wanting them around. They desire to be left alone and reject attempts to draw them back into the situation.

 The lyrics are straightforward and blunt, with Bloody stating that they don’t like the person in question. The chorus repeats the phrase “You can’t come again, I don’t fucking send you” to emphasize the singer’s desire for the person to stay away.

The song conveys a strong sense of animosity and a desire for distance from someone. The lyrics are straightforward and emphasize the speaker’s feelings. 

Come From

“Come From” is a moving track about the challenges of growing up in a demanding environment. The song’s production is gritty and atmospheric, and it perfectly complements the song’s message.

Bloody Civilian describes her home as “the grass is green, and the sky is purple,” referencing the drug codeine. She sings about how drugs “find you” and how they “affect you defectively.” This line is a powerful reminder of the destructive power of addiction.

Bloody Civilian sings about people being “locked up” because they “heard the gunshot.” This line is a heartbreaking reminder of the gun violence that is all too common in many parts of the world.

Bloody Civilian sings about her determination to succeed despite the odds. She sings, “I am going to be sitting at the top shining so bright,” which expresses her ambition. The song ends with Bloody Civilian asking the listener where they are from, inviting them to share her story.

Bloody Civilian’s vocals are powerful and soulful; she diligently delivers the lyrics. Her voice is the perfect match for the song’s emotional intensity.

The production of “Come From” is simple but effective. The track’s beat creates a sense of urgency, and the song’s instrumentation highlights the singer’s vocals.


Bloody Civilian’s “Anger Management” is a raw and honest exploration of the human experience of anger. The EP’s six tracks are filled with raw emotion, from the fiery rage of “How to Kill a Man” to the sorrowful regret of “Mad Apology.” Throughout the EP, Bloody Civilian confronts her anger head-on, refusing to relinquish its ugliness or power. In doing so, she creates a powerful and cathartic work of art that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt the heat of anger coursing through their veins.

“Anger Management” is an influential EP that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt the heat of anger. Bloody Civilian’s raw and honest vocals and the EP’s dark and atmospheric production create a truly immersive experience. If you want an EP to challenge and make you think, you must check out “Anger Management.”

Personal Favorites (Escapism, Mad Apology, I Don’t Like You, Come From)

Listen to “Anger Management” by Bloody Civilian: